To professional writers and or intellectuals:
LA Time Nov. 13, 2008, page B1
Nonprofit to monitor school bullying
Father of teenager who killed himself creates a watchdog group and plans a toll-free hotline to report harassment.
By Times writer, Catherine Saillant
“It all reached a tipping point right after lunch Oct. 20, 2008. As other students scurried to classes, Jeremiah entered a bathroom stall, drew a handgun that he brought room home and shot himself in the head.”,0,7452676.story
The result is Project 51, a nonprofit group that will serve as a watchdog over the Acton, education system’s response to reports of bullying said Jeremiah’s father Jeff Lasater.
My newest related watchdog letter which received no response at of yet.
Nov. 7, 2008
Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
Mr. Stuart Pfeiffer
Dear Mr. Stuart Pfeiffer:
Subject: Politicians provide money so watchdog groups can take lawbreakers to court.
I’m writing you because of your Times November 7, 2008 article in which CA Orange County Superior Court judge was given a public admonishment by a watchdog group called the Commission on Judicial Performance.
The bottom line is Barack Obama MUST appoint Judges who also think like him because that is why we voted for Barack. He’s smart. He gets it. You reading this letter are also smart but are you fired up and ready to go? I doubt it but I will pray for a miracle.
Point of hope being:
Barack Obama stressed that change starts form the bottom up thus I request the readers of this letter to inform the citizens of the corruption in hopes they the citizens pray for a miracle. A miracle that will make the politicians provide money so watchdog groups can take lawbreakers to court.
Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68
William K. Black,
Associate Professor of Economics and Law, UMKC
Below is my attempt from the bottom to get help for us Veterans suffering from suicidal thoughts. I say the bottom because I was in CA’s Loma Linda, VA psychiatric Lockdown unit for 2 weeks.
Below blog link is my attempt at my first explanation of my suicide misdiagnosis at Loma Linda VA hospital during the summer of 2007.
Sorry I’m not a very good writer. See this at:
Senator Daniel Kahikina
Chairman Veterans’ Affairs
Prince Kuhio Federal Building
300 Ala Moana Blvd., Rm. 3-106
Box 50144
Honolulu, HI 96850
Dear Senator Kahikina:
Subject: Your 9-11-08 Speech on the Congressional floor.
You say that there is a growing rate of Veterans committing suicide. I say, there is an epidemic rate of Veterans committing suicide and you being the Chairman of Veterans Affairs must recognize that fact. Stop deliberately downplaying the Veteran suicide numbers by separating current Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran suicides from Vietnam Veteran suicides. When using all Veterans who are committing suicide the numbers show Veteran suicides are at an epidemic stage right now. Senator Kahikina step down as Chairman of Veterans Affairs. You and your staff are doing us Veterans a disservice.
The reason for the Veteran epidemic suicide rate is because the VA hospitals don’t want to spend the money to treat Veterans for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. It’s less expensive to treat Veterans suffering from self-inflicted alcohol or drugs. The VA does NOT admit that PTSD caused the Veterans to drink or use drugs, because if the Veteran’s PTSD caused the Veteran to drink or use drugs then the VA must pay the Veteran $2,500.00 per month.
How the VA stops PTSD Veterans from getting their benefits:
The VA first sends the Veterans through an Addition Treat Program ATP. Then, as in my case, during the first group meeting we where told that upon completion of the ATP(s) we might qualify for PTSD benefits. The pressure of ATP forces the truly mentally sick Veterans to drop out or get kicked out of the ATP. When you’re kicked out or voted out by other Veterans you leave instantly with all your stuff and it’s very very insulting, abusive and depressing. Kicked out Veterans are not given any advice or written handout of alternative VA programs. Sometimes like in my case the dismissal is for a week and you can return providing a bed is available and you can afford it. Some dropouts try again at a latter date. Others like me have become to disappointed, distrustful or hateful to try again. In 7 weeks I saw over 15 likely PTSD veterans leave ATP.
Personal experiences:
I say all this based on my personal experiences at the Loma Linda, CA, VA hospital in the summer of 2007. I was in Loma Linda’s VA psychiatric Lockdown unit for 2 weeks, then their ATP for 7 weeks, and then I was kicked out of ATP. I couldn’t deal with the group living arrangements, which were about 30% younger Veteran jailbirds. The jailbirds are motivated by freedom to deal with the pressure of the ATP and play their jailbird tricks to have the older Vietnam Veterans and or the real mentally sick Veterans dropout. Your always aware of the over amount of applicants thus the back-stabbing by your fellow Veteran, mostly the jailbird Veterans.
VA can legally combine drug programs with mentally ill programs.
The VA can now legally treat a possible PTSD Veteran by first having the Veteran go through the Addiction Treatment Program ATP, because Congress and or the VA system have constructed the appropriate laws approved by the appropriate judges.
The laws and or rules combine PTSD and Addiction Treatment Programs and therefore the VA hospitals can wrongly misdiagnose PTSD as a self-induced drug or alcohol problem and not be held accountable for the misdiagnoses.
Below I have listed 3 of the rules allowing misdiagnosis of PTSD by mixing PTSD care with Alcohol and drug care.
Rules found at the government web page at:
NOTE: If the italicized word “and” would be replaced with the word “or” then those suffering from PTSD would NOT be FORCED to go through the Addiction Treatment Programs।
(Sec. 304) Directs the Secretary to establish at least six national centers of excellence on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance use disorders for the provision of comprehensive inpatient or residential treatment and recovery services for veterans diagnosed with both PTSD and a substance use disorder.
(Sec। 306) Enacts this title in tribute to Justin Bailey, who, after returning to the United States from service in Operation Iraqi Freedom, died in a VA domiciliary facility while receiving care for PTSD and a substance use disorder. (Note based on my personal experience in the VA hospital ATP): VA should treat PTSD separately from substance disorder, that’s common sense)
Title V: Mental Health Research - (Sec. 501) Directs the Secretary to carry out a program of research into comorbid PTSD and substance use disorder through the National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Authorizes appropriations. (Note: In my opinion the above-misspelled word (comorbid) in the official writing of Title V: Mental Health Research, just shows a lack for detail in very important business. Then again the spelling mistake does allow for greater flexibility with the interpretation.)
Get a better understanding of the suicide epidemic by going to:
Blog index of recent letters of complaints sent by US mail. Aug 25, 2008 experiences at CA’s Loma Linda VA hospital while I was seeking information about benefits.
MY VA Formal complaint:
The below letter received no response from anyone.
Oct. 23, 2008
Mr. Eddy W. Hartenstein CEO
Los Angeles Times
202 W. 1st St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Dear Mr. Hartenstein:
Would like the Times to include contact information of liable State and Federal politicians and School and Hospital supervisors in suicidal and or bullying type articles.
I have written the Times and my local US Congressman Jerry Lewis and Senators Boxer and Feinstein many times during the past year about getting threaten, bullied and degrading treatment at Loma Linda, CA., VA hospital. I have enclosed my most recent letter to once again show the absence of recognizing a bullying type complaint. Below I state two recent Times articles where an unrecognized complaint situation caused deaths.
Sept. 3, 2008 by Christine Hanley,
Family tells of alleged killer’s Post-Iraq mental troubles
Oct. 22, 2008 by Alexandra Zavis, Jeremiah’s Suicide
Teen who killed himself was bullied, students say
End of 23rd paragraph: “There will always be bullying as long as no one does anything.”
I suspect citizen’s lack of faith in our system is partly due to poor$ media information.
Carl G. Mueller, Nam 68
Annie Tuttle, Public Affairs, 4th floor
VA Hospital
11201 Benton Street
Loma Linda, CA 92357
VFW, Mr. Scott Langhof Phone: (619) 400-5322
8810 San Diego Dr. Suite 1161
San Diego, CA, 92108
United States Senate
Attention: Senator Akaka
Chairman Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
Washington, DC 20510-6375
Senator Barbara Boxer, Suite 210 Phone: (909) 888-8525
201 N. E Street
San Bernardino, CA 92401
Medical Center Director, 4th Floor
Loma Linda VA Hospital
11201 Benton Street
Loma Linda, CA 92357
Thursday, November 13, 2008
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